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Our Features

We provide following list of features.

Admin Dashboard

Simple and easy to use dashboard design for the user, you can easily recognize key features and experience.A dashboard typically indicates items which require urgent actions at the top of the page, moving into less important statistics at the bottom.

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Institution Setup

Enter Your Basic Adcademic Details such as Adcademic Year, Financial Year, Departments, Classes, Subjects. Establishment, foundation, or organization created to pursue a particular type of endeavor, such as banking by a financial institution

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Front Office

In this front office section, We have the Admission Enquiry Form, Enterence Test and Admit Student Process.Front office staff will deal with whatever question the visitor has, and put them in contact with a relevant person at the institution.

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Admission Form

Student Registration with their Basic Details, Parents Details, Address Details, Transport Details and Profile Photo.In India almost all top private colleges and universities are having separate seats for management quota.

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Students records

After Registration of student process can get the all kind of reports for students, Then Class promotion process.contain information directly related to a student;are maintained by an educational agency or by a person acting institution.

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Fee Payments

Generate the fee for all class and collect with invoice, Get the reports of paid and unpaid students lists.Financial aid is typically thought to exert the most influence in when admitted students consider whether to enroll in a particular institution.

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A staff can create the assignments and sent to particular class students and students can login view the assignments.Institution the structural system within a society that purpose to meet all its needs by creating a linkage to the individuals and larger culture.

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Study Material

By adding study materials, Totorials, Boolets and Question Bank to help the students for understanding their syllabus.You may easily find practical questions in exam directly from institute study material. So it is better institute study material at least once.

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HR Department

In this HR Department can Post the vacancy and interview process, after taking interview genereate the offer letter.

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Payroll is also the amount you pay employees during each pay period.payroll can refer to the process of actually calculating and distributing wages and taxes.User can create Annual leave, Allowance Type, Deduction Type, Loan, tax, PF and Generate Employee Payslip.

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All Types of transactions,create account groups,balance sheet,manage voucher and voucher entry can be tracked.Accounts Receivable proceeds or payment which the company will receive from its customers who have purchased its goods & services on credit.

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Time Table

Create flexible Time Table for conducting classes in a planned manner. Teachers, students and parents can view. The purpose of timetabling and provides tangible examples, as well as advice for manually creating timetable documents for school purposes.

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Create and publish a list of all examinations and track by class wise report, overall report and progressive report. The level of emphasis that is placed upon GRE scores varies widely between schools and departments within schools.

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Track each operation in books management in modern way. Keep the full track of book records, in circulation books, late fine, etc.A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community or borrowing.

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Make whole school transport more secure and safe.Track bus location. Optimize operations and make it more efficient.The success of any sector Transport, education, health, or energy, depends critically on its institutions, no matter the country.

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Facility to maintain records for rooms that have allotted and deallocated to students and staffs.Many hostels have long-term residents who they employ as desk agents or housekeeping staff in exchange for experience or discounted accommodation.

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Smart messaging system of our ERP brings inbuilt effective way of communication with Modern two-way engagement.A message is a piece of information or a request that you send to someone or leave for them when you cannot speak to them directly.

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Photos and Videos

Now capture and share the precious moments of different school events. Unlimited space to create the albums titles.

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Student Help Desk

Search a individual students whole history about records of student Fee, Hostel, Transport, Library, Exam, Attendance, etc. Various help desks exist for a single product for example, a college student who has a computer question may call Dell's help desk directly, or try their university computer department's help desk instead.

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Send SMS to students, staff of institute. It allows quick and lower cost to communicate in case of important notifications. Generally SMS is a way of sending short written messages from one mobile phone to another.

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Maintain the record of those who are visit the campus with name. address, mobile number, meet person and reason.A set of policies and procedures for users to protect the computer systems, data, information, as well as hardware and software assets in institute.

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Notice Board

Use Notice Board to circulate the information to all, its can be viewed by students and staffs by their login.A noticeboard is a board which is usually attached to a wall in order to display notices giving information about something.

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Helps to maintain all the stocks, inventory and sale/purchase of goods, And generate the PO for suppliers. This survey can be administered before classes get under way or soon after classes begin, providing you with data to make interventions more meaningful, before a student begins disengaging.

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Role Management

The School Management Committee shall perform the following functions, namely: a) Monitoring the working of the school; b) Preparing and recommend school development plan; c) Monitoring the utilization of the grants received from the appropriate Government or local authority or any source;

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ID Card

Student IDsStudents should carry ID cards on them at all times. Student ID cards serve a variety of purposes outside of photo identification, and can provide access to such amenities as borrowing books at the school library, attending school events, receiving discounts at local stores and movie theaters.

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Today's Thought

Thought for the Day. Thought for the Day is a daily scripted slot on the Today programmes. Something motivational gets our thoughts in a positive mindset each day to motivate and inspire you. Today you will have the choice to make a difference in your life and those around you.

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A birthday is an important and momentous occasion, Happiest Birthday Wishes send to student.

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In this section used to generate bonafide certifiacate. A bonafide certificate is issued to students on application to their school/ college. It is a certificate of proof that he/ she is a student of a particular class and course in the institution during a specified time period.

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Student Info

The purpose is to maintain current information on past and present students in order to help educators manage schools or college as well as produce necessary reports. In this section consists of student rollnumber, student records, class promotion, Transferred students, student records.

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Attendance registers are a helpful tool that allow you to record students' presence at or participation in course-related sessions. They allow you to add information such as attendance slips, student attendance, staff attendance, student report, class report, employee report, Staff report.

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Back Office

The back office is the portion of a school or college made up of administration and support personnel who are not client-facing. Back-office functions include settlements, clearances, record maintenance, regulatory compliance, accounting, and IT services.

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Send Notice

In this section used for sending any information to student, staff and also reply answer form received send.

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Holidays section used to add the holiday and finding holiday in a years.

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Helpful link

Select the file or picture that you want lin to display, upload the file and view the add links. Links can be used to attached to text and images,

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knowledge Base

A knowledge base (KB) is a used to store articles such education information, sport information etc, in the computer system.

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